
77. Will This Journeyman's day be His Last.

Iron Maiden- Journeyman

From the red sky in the east to the sunset in the west. We have cheated death and he has cheated us. But that was just  a dream and this is what it means, we are sleeping and we dream forevermore. In your life you may choose desolation. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque feugiat ultricies nulla, vitae dignissim lorem mollis a. In nec erat vel turpis egestas tincidunt ut ornare tortor. Duis sit amet sapien tellus. Fusce mattis orci sit amet bibendum fringilla. Aenean dignissim ac tellus in varius. Duis lacus est, tristique accumsan finibus eu, aliquam sit amet dui. Ut libero lacus, laoreet finibus diam eu, auctor pulvinar ipsum. Sed ut est sed dui mattis porta ut in eros.Aliquam ac viverra lectus, eu vulputate arcu. Morbi molestie erat eu felis porttitor semper. Nam at erat molestie, aliquam lectus a, scelerisque leo. Nulla nulla nulla, auctor et justo quis, porttitor ultricies nulla. Nullam a justo iaculis urna condimentum euismod in sit amet metus.
Carry On My Wayward Son

2 komentarze:

  1. Carry On My Wayward Son There'll Be Peace When You Are Done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more.

    1. It's Been A Long Day Without You My Friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
